Monday, January 16, 2012

Ye Olde Republic #4

The first major patch is right around the corner! In addition to discussing the upcoming changes, we cover the best crew skills to make money, plans to reward characters who balance between light and dark, and Wes tells us how he was wrong... over and over again.

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  1. I like the crafting, because if you reverse engineer a weapon in armstech until you have the purple one, the weapons are always awesome. I haven't yet found a better weapon than the one's I have crafted (lvl 40).

    As for the auction-house I made good money with scavenging and investigation, I also got some nice crafting schematic's for all professions and missions from investigation.

    In the official forums there is an awesome guide on reverse engineering:

  2. As for conversations where the character doesn't say what you wanted, at least when you are playing alone you can always hit ESC fast and restart the conversation. I did that 2 or 3 times.
